July 9 2015

What’s Going On Now?

The IndyNDA started in December of 1999 with a mission to discuss leading-edge technology. The focus was with .NET and Microsoft technology.

That was great for more than a decade, but now the world has changed!

Today, the IndyNDA is still Indianapolis’ Developers Association, but it is evolving.

NDA often stands for an agreement you make to not disclose certain information. An NDA discussion often gets down into details nobody wants you to publicly talk about. With the IndyNDA, we want to have frank discussions. We want to learn what others are doing. We want to know and share. We want to really dig and understand the whens, what’s, whys, wherefores, and so on. We want to know what you are doing and we want to share what we are doing. We want to Network, Discuss, and Associate!

But not on just .NET. That’s old news. We want to tackle the leading edge topics. We don’t want to see the Indianapolis area lag behind, so we want to discuss the cool, newer, leading-edge things. We want to talk tech. We want to do it face to face, not in some webinar or online chat.

So how does this happen?

We announce topics and we meet up. In fact, we announce them using MeetUp.com. Rather than maintaining a web site (like this one), we are instead using the tools and services best suited for meeting. We have a MeetUp group available HERE. You can register there and get updates on what the upcoming meetings are going to be. You can also RSVP for the ones you’ll attend. That helps should we have pizza or drinks!

Head over to the MeetUp group now!

Brad! and Dave
Directors of IndyNDA / IndyTechFest

IndyNDA is a technical community user group in the Indianapolis area. Currently communications are happening through the Indianapolis Developers Association Meetup Group and the IndyNDA LinkedIn User group.

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