August 21 2014

Offical Meeting Dates and Location

We have nailed down the meeting date, time, and place.

Our intent is to stick with the schedule we used for over a decade. Our meetings will be the second Thursday of every month starting at 6:00. Doors should open at 5:30 for those that want to get there early.

For 2014, Launch Fishers will host our meetings. Launch Fishers is a work-space sharing facility that offers great services to people who need a regular place to work outside of the house. We’ll be using their large room to meet. Launch fishers is located in Fishers.

Our first meeting will be September 11th! You can sign up on our Meet-up page to let us know you’re coming!

We look forward to seeing everyone and having some great discussions!

Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.

Posted August 21, 2014 by bjones in category Uncategorized